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Sept. 12, 2024

YDQA: Ep 77- "How Can Contractors Find Drone Work?"

YDQA: Ep 77-

In this episode, John Dickow of Drone Launch Academy talks with Gavin Dillon, owner and chief pilot at Golf Delta Aerial Services, about how to find your first clients when starting a drone business.

Key points covered:

  • Gavin's journey from getting his pilot's license to starting his drone business
  • The importance of having an online presence, even a minimal one
  • How to leverage Google profiles and social media to attract clients
  • Tips for finding your niche in the drone industry
  • The value of starting as a subcontractor to build your portfolio
  • Advice for new drone entrepreneurs on pacing their business growth

🔗 Check out Gavin's work:

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