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David Young

David Young Profile Photo

David is the founder and CEO of Drone Launch Academy, a leading online resource for drone pilots seeking to advance their knowledge and skills. With over a decade of experience in the drone industry, David has established himself as an expert in drone technology and education. He has trained thousands of drone pilots across the globe and is passionate about promoting safe and responsible drone operations. David's dedication to excellence has earned him a reputation as a respected leader in the drone industry, and his commitment to innovation continues to drive Drone Launch Academy forward.

April 5, 2023

YDQA: Ep 4 - What is the hardest question on the FAA drone exam?

In this episode of "Your Drone Questions Answered," CEO and Founder of Drone Launch Academy, David Young, joins host John Dickow to answer the question: What is the hardest question on the Part 107 test? David shares insights...

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March 20, 2023

YDQA: Ep 1 - What is "Your Drone Questions. Answered."?

Hey there, and welcome to the very first episode of "Your Drone Questions. Answered."! In this episode, we'll let you know what our podcast is all about and what you can look forward to in the episodes to come. We're …

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